Workforce Development Board

The Waccamaw Workforce Development Board (WWDB) is the regional entity that implements the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in Georgetown, Horry and Williamsburg counties.
Appointed by local elected officials, the WWDB is responsible for planning and overseeing local workforce development programs. The majority of the WWDB members are business representatives while other members include representatives of education providers, labor organizations, community-based organizations, economic development agencies, and partners participating in the SC Works system.
In our area, Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments serves as the administrative entity and fiscal agent for the Waccamaw Workforce Development Board.
Meeting dates for January – December 2024 are listed below:
- January 16th
- March 19th
- May 21st
- July 16th
- September 17th
- November 19th
Board Members:
Andy Roberts, AGRU America
Busy Kimball, Tidelands Health
Rochelle Geathers, Wal-Mart
Sherrill Walker Smith, International Paper
Tiffany Harrison, Georgetown County Economic Development
Peg Skalican, Pittsburg Institute of Aeronautics
Bonita Engleman, Ocean Lakes
Wallace Evans, A Father’s Place
Greg Mitchell, Horry-Georgetown Technical College
Etta Greene, Horry County Adult Education
Jared Denz, SC Department of Employment & Workforce
Eric Robinson, SC Vocational Rehabilitation
Frank Espinal, Ship On Site
Tony Troiani, Carolina Cool
Wilhelmina Pressley, Williamsburg County Schools
Chris Battle, Personal Touch Beauty and Barber College
Henry Poston, Palmetto Synthetics
Allen Abernathy, MUSC Black River Medical Center