Request for Proposals
Request for Proposals-Waccamaw Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) One Stop Center Operator
This Request for Proposal was prepared based upon the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) and associated U.S. Department of Labor Regulations and guidance. This Federal Law was implemented to consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy and vocational rehabilitation programs in the United States. WIOA provides the framework for a national workforce preparation system that is flexible, responsive, customer-focused, and locally managed. Mandatory core program partners include: Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser, Adult Education and Literacy, and Vocational Rehabilitation, along with required partners specified in the Act. Bidders are strongly encouraged to read Training and Employment Guidance Letter
04-15 issued by the U.S. Department of Labor that outlines the vision for the One-Stop system under WIOA and Training and Employment Guidance Letter 15-16 issued by U.S. Department of Labor that outlines the competitive selection of One-Stop Operators.
General Submission Information:
To be considered for funding, an entity must submit a proposal along with other supporting documentation in accordance with the instructions in this RFP. When evaluating a proposal, the Board Task Force will consider how well the respondent has complied with these instructions and provided the required information. The Board Task Force reserves the right to request clarifications from any bidder regarding information in their proposals and may request an oral presentation if deemed appropriate and necessary to make a final recommendation.
Bidders may request clarification to comply with instructions during the Question and Answer period April 7, 2017 through April 14, 2017 by emailing Mary Ann Lawrence at The Board’s RFP Task Force will discuss and respond to all questions by April 18, 2017 and post the answers on Bidders shall not direct questions or have conversations regarding this RFP with any Board Members, Chief Elected Officials, the Consultant, or Waccamaw Regional Council of Government’s staff except during the official “question” period. All questions must be communicated through Questions submitted should be electronic and include in the subject line Questions – Waccamaw One-Stop Operator Procurement.
**Questions without the assigned subject line will not be considered.
The complete Request for Proposal for the WIOA One-stop Operator can be accessed below:
WIOA One-Stop Operator RFP, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018